Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week 62--October 6, 2015

Week 62--October 6, 2015
anyway heres my weekly email :P
hey everyone!! sounds like everyone is doing awesome, super busy like always. haha  
i am doing great. this week was a wild mix of emotions but i learned a lot. i learned for the thousandth time in the mission that this isnt my work, in fact i really have nothing to do with it. haha we only do what we can and try to be obedient and God puts the people in our path who need us and the people decide if they want to accept or no, we just try to help them. our investigator with a baptism date for saturday didnt come to conference and so her date fell and she wouldnt answer the phone or anything and then when we passed by her house yesterday she was just super sad looking and wouldnt give any explanation. we are pretty worried about her but we have dont everything we can and just have to wait and see what she decides. thats the hardest part. to let someone use their agency when you love them and want the best. president said its even worse when you have kids :P haha 
conference was awesome. loved it! we had like 10 investigators who said they would come and turned out that not a single one of them came but we ended up meeting and mom and her daughter in the street saturday and they came sunday. haha super ironic. we hadnt even had a lesson with them yet :P but they are super prepared and already understand our goal of baptism and have listened to missionaries before and such so finding them was a miracle. they are also from peru and make delicious food :P 
also monday we had interviews with pres but this time him and his wife and the assistants came to our house to do it. it was super weird to have them there and we cleaned like crazy all week. haha but it all went super well and i learned a ton from president. 
and to answer dads question, ya we live with another companionship and we live in their sector, so we have to take colectivos (like taxis) to our sector everyday. which makes things interesting with $$, another reason i have no money left in my bank account..haha but its all good its way more fun to live with other sisters. even if we have to share one shower :P 
anyway, i am doing well and hope you all have a fantastic week :) love you tons!

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